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Crime cyndicate

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Here, the Emerald Knight's still on the side of justice ( if a little extreme about it) and has quite a few people watching his every move. The previous Power Ring was a Dirty Coward and the team Butt-Monkey.The version shown in this comic appears to be genuinely well intentioned and good, but is also totally inept. The previous version of Alexander Luthor was a Nominal Hero who was barely better than the Syndicate.The last incarnation of Owlman arranged the murder of his parents and brother, here he set out to avenge their deaths and was a vigilante before snapping.Here, Earth-3's Cat Grant runs the Daily Planet in protest of Ultraman and isn't afraid to call him a coward. The last time a version of Cat Grant was shown associated with the Crime Syndicate, she was a bitter hag who shamelessly ran a tabloid version of the Daily Planet.

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This version is a superhero in her own right and member of the Legion of Justice. Adaptational Badass: The previous Earth-3 counterpart of Harley Quinn (from Countdown to Final Crisis) was a mere stage manager who was unceremoniously killed as part of the Jokester's backstory.Johnny Quick's father beat him to an inch of his life in response to him trying to stop his folks' illegal dog-fighting scheme.

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